Mary Fahey is presenting at this year's 2021 California Seth Conference! You can watch it live - streamed here on our YouTube channel, and also live-streamed on our Facebook group page.

Mary Fahey is a long-term Seth reader (1974) alone reader for over 20 years but enjoyed the coming together of fellow Seth folk through her visit to the Colorado Seth Conference, where she led workshops and inner journeys over the years. She found bumping into the Seth books life-changing, and life-enriching. Moving from administration to teaching, Mary has taken her work into mainstream teaching in the Continuing Learning Adult Education field in Waltham Forest, London England, where she lives. Her teaching work was and still is inspired and broadly based on the Seth series of books. Abundant wealth indeedy!

Mary has a practical, intuitive down to earth approach to her work and life and believes in teaching and learning through joy! She has conducted numerous courses, workshops, lectures, talks, and personal consultations in the UK and USA and has been featured in the media. Now semi-retired Mary had her own weekly two-hour show on a community radio station - Seth through the back door! And also enjoyed hosting a monthly Seth group that ran for 8 years.

Daily Seth Quote

"The human personality has no limitations except those which it accepts. There are no limits to its development or growth if it will accept no limits. There are no boundaries to the self except those boundaries which the self arbitrarily creates and perpetuates. There is no veil through which human perception cannot see, except the veil of ignorance which is pulled down by the materialistic ego." - Seth