2022 California Seth Conference

Speaker introduction for the 2022 California Seth Conference.

Deb Tejada from the Seth Research Project is presenting at this year's 2022 California Seth Conference! Her presentation will be, "What is the Seth Research Project?".

You can watch the 2022 California Conference on April 2 & 3, 2022 live on our website or live on our YouTube channel. Live Q & A questions will come from our YouTube channel chat during the live conference.

Visit the Seth Research Project website at https://sethresearchproject.com
Visit Deb Tejada on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/deb.tejada.32


California Seth Conference
Website - https://californiasethconference.com
Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/californiasethconference
YouTube Channel = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdfM3nBh7qieVrGIcG18l9Q

Daily Seth Quote

"The human personality has no limitations except those which it accepts. There are no limits to its development or growth if it will accept no limits. There are no boundaries to the self except those boundaries which the self arbitrarily creates and perpetuates. There is no veil through which human perception cannot see, except the veil of ignorance which is pulled down by the materialistic ego." - Seth